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4 Possible Symptoms of Celiac Disease

Digestive Diseases Center • Apr 24, 2019

Gluten sensitivity and gluten-free dietary options seem to be front and center these days. However, it wasn’t that long ago that such things were rarely recognized. Celiac disease is certainly nothing new, but until very recently, most of the public were largely unaware of its existence. This often meant that sufferers struggled through their most bothersome symptoms without resolution or relief. Even today, it is estimated that as many as 97 percent of celiac sufferers are misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed. The first step in shifting these numbers is yet more public awareness and a greater understanding of what exactly celiac looks like. While there are many potential symptoms of the disease, here are four of the most common:

Diarrhea from Celiac Disease

Diarrhea affects at least half of celiac patients and is perhaps the most well-known symptom. However, there are some distinct differences in typical diarrhea and that which may affect someone with celiac disease. These bowel movements tend to be watery with a very strong, foul odor. They may also be gray or tan in color and have a tendency to float. Such characteristics can be attributed to poor absorption of fat.

Headaches from Celiac Disease

While few would draw the connection between headaches and digestive troubles, migraines have been linked to as many as 30 percent of celiac cases. While the exact cause behind this connection is not completely understood, studies have revealed that following a gluten-free diet can reduce the intensity and frequency of headaches within a matter of months.

Rash from Celiac Disease

The skin rash that hallmarks many cases of celiac disease is so common that it is often referred to as the “celiac disease rash.” Medically, however, it is known as dermatitis herpetiformis and is the result of gluten antibodies. In most cases, the rash appears bilaterally in areas such as the buttocks, elbows, or knees and causes an intense itch and even blistering.

Weight Loss from Celiac Disease

Dramatic and unintentional weight loss is a classic celiac symptom. Due to the damage of villi in the small intestine, fat, protein and carbohydrates can no longer be absorbed and used normally. As these nutrients are increasingly withheld from the body, up to 50 percent of patients will begin to shed pounds.

Celiac can be a life-altering condition with potentially serious consequences if left untreated. If you believe that you may be suffering from celiac, examination and diagnosis by a skilled gastroenterologist is essential to future health. While there is no cure for the disease, your physician can guide you in the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

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